Welcome back to another edition of Find The Good Friday, a weekly newsletter where we share one resource, one inspiring quote, one quick tip, and one find the good story to help you find the good this upcoming week.

Our goal is to help you get through the good and the bad days, the ups and the downs, and anything else that stands between you and a smile on your face.

This week's focus: How eating healthy can impact your mental health. 

Let’s dive right into this one!

This Week's Resource

Believe it or not, the answer is yes!
Research shows that eating healthy not only impacts your physical health, but it can also play a huge role in shaping your mental health and well-being. 
Some evidence even shows that certain foods and diets may help reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and boost overall mood. 
Read on to learn more about how eating healthy can benefit your mental health.

This Week's Quote

“One cannot think well, sleep well, love well, if one has not dined well.”
- Virginia Woolf | English Writer

This Week's Quick Tip

To be honest, I haven't been eating very healthy recently. 
Oreos, ice cream, sugar-packed foods... you name it. 
Now, I know sweets like these can impact your physical health. But it's not until I eat them consistently that I start to realize just how much they impact my mental health, too. 
I start to lose focus easily, I get brain fog, I feel tired a lot more often. 
So one thing I've been doing whenever I crave something sweet is to substitute it for a healthier option. 
And I've already noticed how much better I feel, both physically and mentally.

This Week's Find The Good Story

This week's Find The Good story is from Annalisia. Hope it inspires you as much as it inspires us!
"My name is Annalisia. It’s about one of the only things I am certain about in this life.
What I mean is that every day is a new struggle, as well as a new achievement in making it one day further in my journey. Life is ever changing, and being here today is one of the utmost things I am proud of.
I am constantly searching for the good in all things big and small. It is one of the tasks I find myself implementing in my every day schedule, whether it be taking a few moments to feel the sunshine, listening to the birds sing and the wind blow, or standing in front of a mirror speaking feel good mantras to myself.
I hope to continue finding the good and giving myself unlimited reasons to stay. Hearing a new unreleased song, tasting a food I haven’t yet tried, making a friend who could change the outlook on everything. My one piece of advice is to just try, one more time."
Thanks for reading this week's edition of Find The Good Friday! We'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback, so let us know what you thought by dropping us a reply to this email. 
Talk next week,
June 30, 2023 — Connor Flynn

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