Welcome back to another edition of Find The Good Friday, a weekly newsletter where we share one resource, one inspiring quote, one quick tip, and one find the good story to help you find the good this upcoming week.

Our goal is to help you get through the good and the bad days, the ups and the downs, and anything else that stands between you and a smile on your face.

This week's focus: The power of accountability. 

Let’s get to it!

This Week's Resource

Why Accountability is Important and 5 Ways to Practice It

Look, holding yourself accountable is a tough thing.

Whether it’s working out, eating healthy, or doing that one thing that you say you’re going to do (sound familiar?), owning up and holding yourself accountable is one of the best things you can do to not only achieve your goals, but also improve your mental health.

From boosting your confidence to creating a greater sense of control in your life, read on to learn more about how you can practice accountability to impact your mental health and well-being.

This Week's Quote

“Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go... no one else.”
- Les Brown | Politician and Motivational Speaker

This Week's Quick Tip

While I often enjoy exercising on my own, there’s just something to be said about working out with a group of people.

I’m currently in San Diego visiting a friend, and earlier this week we went to a local run club. Around 200 people were all running along the beach downtown. It was quite the experience.

Following our group run, a few of us went to pump some iron at the gym. And let me tell you, when you have someone next to you yelling “three more... two more... one more!” You really push yourself more than you do when you’re alone.

It can be hard to achieve certain things on your own. But it’s a lot easier when you have a group of people holding you accountable for becoming a better version of yourself.

This week, I encourage you to find a friend so you can hold each other accountable for achieving your goals together. I think you’ll be amazed at just how much more progress you'll make.

This Week's Find The Good Story

This week’s find the good story is from Emily. Hope it inspires you as much as it inspires us!

“I’m currently a first year teacher, which comes with a multitude of struggles. As a generally high-stress person, I’m always worried about the need to plan ahead, the success and wellbeing of my students, and the opinions of my colleagues. As I have progressed through the year, I’ve found ways to take care of my mental health and find the good in a stressful work environment. I have found that by building personal connections with my students and investing in their lives, I am able to find more joy in my job.

I’ve come to realize the necessity of prioritizing my own needs in order to prevent future burnout in a career with historically high turnover. As a result, I have made a pact with myself to never bring work home with me. By keeping my work and home life separate, I’m able to be more present with my partner at home.

To destress after a day at school, I like to work out. In the past few months, I’ve gotten involved in a HIIT workout class, which has brought more than just fitness into my life. This daily class provides me with an opportunity to clear my mind, strengthen my body, and meet new people. On the weekend I find the good in nature. I love to explore, hike, and swim outdoors. Being outside gives me the much needed push to disconnect from social media, be present with my partner, and enjoy the simpler things in life.

In order to find the good in life, I always try to give myself grace. I try to look on the positive side of things but realize sometimes I have shortcomings. I recognize that I am only human and we as a species will never be perfect.”

Want to share your own Find The Good story with our community? We want to hear from you! Click here to share your Find The Good story, and you'll receive 15% OFF your next order with us. 

Thanks for reading this week's edition of Find The Good Friday! We'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback, so let us know what you thought by dropping us a reply to this email. 
Talk next week,
August 25, 2023 — Connor Flynn

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